Sometimes the Kindest thing you can do is NOTHING

I had today planned out from Saturday, get up early, tidy up, make a batch of soap and go to my course.

Today started waking up earlier than expected (so now my sleep is interrupted after a late night - le sigh), when this happens, I feel sluggish all day like I'm moving through porridge, not any regular porridge mind, the kind that you can stand your spoon up in *rolls eyes*. I am going to have to dig deep to make it through the day because learning makes me EX-HAUST-ED lol.

So I was nearly at the point where I was going to sabotage myself by spiralling into the whole 'see this is why you are constantly chasing your tail, you don't stick to the plan', blah Blah BLAH, when a beautiful thing happened. I stopped and said 'Nat, why don't you rest for 45 minutes, get up, shower and gwarn bout your business? You can say your thank you's for the day and maybe some reiki for your period pain (it's a heavy day to top it off) and once your brain has been working for a while, it will be a relief to make soap when you get home?'

And like that, the angst was gone...that tightening in my shoulders and neck is releasing and I managed to write these few words in the meantime. If it helps anyone then cool, it helps me.

By being kind and doing nothing for 45 minutes, I will actually get more done. I made friends with Monday.

Have the best day you can,
Love, Daisy Granddaughter x



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