Know when to Chill and when to Push

First thing, my poor neighbour locked out of her house with her bubba inside asleep. Not what you need first thing on the way to work. I felt it for her - I went into logic mode, tetris, Tetris, TETRIS

My phone was about to die, (on 3 % battery), about to put it on charge when the door knocks. Lady has been locked out of her house. She is stressed as she is preparing to leave for work, her toddler is asleep in the house and she is understandably worried and stressed.

I went into tetris mode. I dont want to call the landlord because I don't want to speak to them just now - store their number as 141 so that when she calls they wont have my number...tetris
Did I mention that EE reception in my building is big happy birthday PANTS?!?!?!?!?! so I had to switch on the wifi boost on my calling - I have to do this EVERY time I wanna make a call.

She calls the landlord but they dont answer SURPRISE!!! Well okay, she can't NOT get in the house, baby is in the house.

Okay it's time to call the fire services, tetris they came very quickly but while we were waiting she was worried because she was going to be late for work - 'lets call them' I said, 'my phone is locked in the house' she said, about to spiral into panic. 'They must have a website' I said as I'm plugging in the phone to charge 'cause it died in my hand. Tetris

I switched the phone back on once it was on charge and googled the number tetris and hit dial then handed her the phone.

I kept the front door open and wedged my door open to listen out for the Fire Brigade to get here. As the number to her work is ringing out, I can hear the truck coming Fawk so I hand her the post-it pad so she can write down her name (I know her to say hello but don't know her name) and where she is supposed to work tetris, because now she will have to go up with firemen hubba hubba.

I called her workplace, they got it to be fair. The firemen got her in tetris.

They were so respectful when they worked, trying not to traumatise the bubba who was asleep until they came. I was proud of them and grateful. Then I thought 'GI DEM A SOAP'!!! I asked how many of them there were, and even though they were not packaged, I found a way tetris to give each one a soap with a business card just in case like.

They were genuinely chuffed and all said thank you, and one said 'well there's the xmas present for the Mrs' NOICE!

I was gonna post this this morning but blogger was acting weird. About an hour ago I wrote the note in the picture...and there blogger was.

I thank whatever made me that I don't fall apart under pressure. Histrionics and meltdowns was never a luxury I could afford. After I baarrl and fold - I've only gotta sort it out but with a headache. Feed me while I'm fixing and I'm good, sometimes I do it on an empty belly just to prove to myself that I can. The mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Raasclart Result.
Daisy Granddaughter x


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