Hair Today, Nurture Tomorrow

I will share where I met her another time, that is not important here. It's not even that important that we recognised each other immediately when we met again. My memory of her is that at the time, I was frustrated and wanted to Wolverine the whole scenario but she came over with a very gentle demeanour that had the most calming effect. I went and smoked my cancer, got myself together and came back calm. She intercepted the angry. Funny thing is, she said she remembered me as being very calm and gentle (thank you for the earth in my chart to damp the fire that rages at times #BOLLONCE).

We got chatting. She said that I am like a proper old school Jamaican mom. In the conversation we got to silvers in our hair...and it transpired that she saw cancer off 10 years ago. Now that in and of itself is amazing and dear to my heart from losing my Nan to cancer and punk bitchass cancer threatening to take my friend from me (but she kicked it's arse too so fcuk you again you ole c!), but then she told me something that made where we were completely disappear and she was literally the only person in the whole world for that moment. I. Saw. Her...

She said 'since the cancer, I let my hair grow and every year around the 28th of August (her birthday), I cut it up to here (she indicated her shoulder), and donate it for childrens wigs'.

She said it so matter of factly like she was talking about catching a bus. Did you read it? Like really read it? I dunno bout you but I feel like if you get the diagnosis, go through chemo and beat cancer - you're a fcking G and you don't owe anything to anyone. HOW-E-VA! This woman, who know's what it is like to lose her hair to chemo (and AAALLLLLL that is tied up with people and their relationships to hair right), has cut her hair every year since, to donate to make wigs for children who have to go through chemotherapy. Can you deep it now?

I'm fcking amazed to be fair. So amazed that when I felt completely deflated from the day, I came home and made 2 batches of soap. Thats plenty nurture because if she can do that, I can dig a lil deeper and do my bit for nurture.

I also kept on track with my blog because the minute she said that, I knew I had to share her dear sweet heart.

Some sites you can donate hair to.

Beautifully Human,
Daisy Granddaughter x



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