Duly Noted

She's like me, so many thought's, they tangle up and trip her action feet. The constant 'up in my head I become ungrounded so now it's ungrounded's fault'.
The protection mechanism. 

'If I start it may be too big for me to manage, so I won't start because it's safe'. So many people have this coping mechanism, I am grateful to them for reflecting me back to myself. 

As I get better at being me, I understand that I am a solution focused person. The 'woowoo' part of me looks to the Earth element in my chart to help me ground and focus so I can get to the solutions.

So I thought (more thoughts on top of the BILLIONS), 'well if the problem is that it's too big - how can we make it smaller?'
(...erm...thinking, thinking, thinking...I never tell you that I don't like to think did I?)

'Well it doesn't get much bloody smaller than a post-it-note does it???'
I mean, they are tiny in terms of the streams of paper I am afraid to write, to commit to, to own. 
Another bonus is, you really shouldn't be spending more than 5 minutes on one post-it or you are a worser procrastinator than me chuss.

So in the conversation, as she relayed all these amazing ideas, I hear the little girl inside, asking for that little bit of nurture, to help regulate. I heard that little girl because mine speaks the same language, same tone, same pitch, same cadence, same intonation. 

I asked her to get a post-it note and write one skill from the convo as a title and put three things she would like to do with that skill. Boom, the energy calmed, *criss biscuit*. To make sure the energy landed, I asked her how she was feeling so she can associate the feeling with the action. She said that some of the tension had left her shoulders *result!!! It's bloody hard work holding ourselves back*

Today I asked her to do the same thing with a slightly different focus. When I asked her how she felt, she said 'BETTERER!'

I LOVE that word! It was like a direct communication from that little girl - it's such an honest communication. She also said that she should get an envelope to keep them in. 

Now this really made me smile because not only has she taken ownership of it, she has also subconsciously committed to doing more. 

Oh yeah, it also meant I was able to write more than a post-it. My blog has been neglected lately.

Result to Raatid
Daisy's Granddaughter x 


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