Peace of Mind - A Peace offering

So I may have mentioned the couple downstairs before, often with an angsty tone but while they are working out their issues the most beautiful thing happened...

*rewind to come forward*

please to review the post entitled 'Puff Puff Pass' for the background to the story

*fast forward a bit*

In preparation for the soft launch of my products, my family were travelling down from Brum (affectionate term for Birmingham - my home town). My 7 year old Nephew and 14 year old Niece were part of the delegation. I was worried that they may get a contact high if things continued the way they were sooooo...I plucked up the courage to ask him very humbly if he would try smoking on the steps as opposed to below the window because it may help the smoke to float up past the window. I explained that every time they bun a zoot, it pengs out my flat.

He rewarded my humility by saying: yeah? do you want me to go under the bike shed? *real kind and understanding and genuine*
Me: yes please, I would really appreciate that, thank you so much *I realise it would be a bit of a nause because they have to go up the steps and across the garden as opposed to stepping outside their door*
Him: No worries

I had forgotten about it until I saw them and their friends go up the steps. I was so grateful for lots of reasons, mainly because the growing paranoia from the contact high was beginning to recede.

*fast forward a bit more*
My family had gone back to Brum, I noticed they still went up the steps. I though to myself, 'I should let them know the fam has gone, maybe come to a compromise where just not first thing in the morning while I am asleep as it make me wake with a headache'. I mean, I respect their right to bun it down as much as I do mine not to you know.

*fast forward to today*
I was having a shitty day so was looking for ways to alchemise the energy so I thought to myself that now would be a good time to say thank you for them making the effort, it has brought me a lot of peace.  I had some gift boxes left over from the event so I took them down a soap each and explained that I was grateful and that I haven't got a problem with weed just my brain chemistry don't match skunk.

They seemed grateful for the gift, even if they are not, it's okay as I feel that the edge that was there between us is a bit softer. They are not bad people, just young and figuring out their lives as I am mine. I want them to succeed and I think they know that I keep out of their business enough to be respectful even though it makes me jittery when they argue. People is people innit? Like Sway, I don't have all the answers but I do know how to deal with people respectfully while attempting to better tend to my own needs and nurture.

I said all that to say, it begun with me accepting that I deserve to have basic needs met, also the retrograde and eclipses of last month helped me to gain clarity with regards to boundaries, healthy, nurturing boundaries. I don't have to be an angry black woman, with an attitude because I have let things go so long for the sake of peace that peace is ruptured, I can and deserve to be nothing but human...and that should count for something just on it's own merits.

Bad start, good end...Improvement...

Transparently Yours,
Daisey's Granddaughter  


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